Mastering Suite
The 24-96 Mastering suite was designed as a true acoustic reference environment by Jochen Veith and Michel Schreiber, the European representative for THX. Every aspect of the studio’s design has been designed with great care. This has ensured that 24-96 is a fantastic sounding room with outstanding acoustic linearity. It is also a listening environment free from distractions; not a single fan, resonant transformer or other noise source is audible in the room. The mastering console has been specially designed not to obstruct acoustic flow while diverting any direct reflections, and the playback racks are fully mobile so can be moved when not in use to avoid affecting the acoustics. This extreme attention to detail has resulted in an incredibly clear sound and an extremely objective and intuitive listening environment.

The choice of processors and signal path epitomises the 24-96 no-compromise philosophy: point to point wiring is used throughout, and only the very best equipment is featured on the spec. Examples include the incredible sounding and very rare Sontec 462 8 band Equalizer and the mighty Avalon 2077, and when there’s room for improvement the best gear gets further modified, such as the custom Manley Vari-MU, Sontec 250, Tube-Tech SMC2B-M or Foote P3S-ME.
However while the equipment spec is of course important, these are just the tools. The real focus at 24-96 Mastering lies on working hard to thrill every client, every time.